Archive – Documents

Here are some overview documents about Railway Empire. They contain important information about the core elements of the game and are intended to make modding easier for you. Click on the appropriate document to download it.

RailwayEmpire_AssetlistList about the Railway Empire assets you can use to modify your game objects (locomotive engines, tenders, wagons/cars, factories, depots, rural businesses)
RailwayEmpire_GoodslistList about the Railway Empire goods in each era with ID's and production chains
RailwayEmpire_IconlistList about the Railway Empire icons you can use to modify your game objects (commodities, technologies, factories)
RailwayEmpire_OverviewOverview about all documents and additional material
RailwayEmpire_SoundslistList about the Railway Empire sounds you can use to modify your game objects (locomotive engines, factories, other)
RailwayEmpire_TasklistList about the Railway Empire tasks you can use to create your own tasklist. Short list about the 'Dialog Photos' you can use for your own task dialog
RailwayEmpire_TechtreeList about the Railway Empire technologies with schematic overview (Trains & Locomotives, Company & Construction)
RailwayEmpire_TerrainCollectionList about possible terrain modifications in Railway Empire