Tome – Assets

Overview & information

In Railway Empire there are different assets which can be adjusted in Tome. Here is a list of those assets:

Goodscommodities – Commodity system
ProductionSiterural businesses
Locomotiveengines/locomotives – Engines
Wagonwagons/cars – Engines

Information regarding the task list (Task & TaskList) can be found in the Task list, information regarding the tech tree (Technology) can be found in the Technologies and information regarding any scenario data (Game Characters, Global) can be found in the Scenario Data.

Every asset has several values that can be adjusted. This chapter deals with factories (Factory), rural businesses (ProductionSite) and cities (Town).

Some assets (models), icons, and sounds cannot be implanted into the game. Instead, you can swap and use any of the existing assets, icons and sounds of Railway Empire. We provide you lists regarding all files which can be found here: Archive: RailwayEmpire_Assetlist, RailwayEmpire_Soundslist and RailwayEmpire_Iconlist.

An asset always has a name (Name) and a name ID (NameId), plus sometimes they might have a description (Description) and description ID (DescriptionId). In order to change a name, you have to double click the Name-Field. A table will open up which has language Key on the left and needs you input (Value) on the right. Your text has to be next to the corresponding language Key (e.g. en for English or de for German).

Caution: The ID of NameId has to be deleted to make your custom input appear in-game. This is true for all strings you may change in Tome. This has to be applied to the Description as well, where you have to delete the DescriptionId in order to make your custom input appear in-game.

As soon as NameId and/or DescriptionId are deleted and your text is entered next to the right language Key field, your name and/or description should be applied in-game.

Factory – changeable values

In addition to the name of a factory you are able to adjust the following values:

AiBlockPrevents an AI (competitor) from building a factory in a city
CostsBuilding costs of a factory
IconIcon of the factory (list of buildings)
InputCommodity input – raw material
LocationCity or rural business (TOWN, LAND)
BuildingModelsAsset (model) of the factory
Output (Primary)Commodity output – product (primary)
Output (Secondary)Commodity output – product (secondary)
ProfitFactor for calculating the profit
SoundAmbient sounds of a factory
TownlevelMight be outdated; sorting index for list of buildings

The Location will define the location of a factory. Here, you can decide between city (TOWN) and rural business (LAND). In Railway Empire, this is possible due to the fact that all objects which are able to produce goods are declared a factory, just like a rural business that produces a commodity. Thus, a cattle farm is an asset which is located in rural area and produces cattle. Therefore, you will be able to find goods like Cattle, Clay, Iron and so on under the Factory category.

BuldingModels – each factory requires at least three assets and at least one of each type (small, medium, large). The order does not matter. Depending on a factory’s level, these models will be spawned at their locations.

With Input and Output you are able to adjust the input and output for commodities. If you want to learn more about production chains, you might have a look at the Archive (RailwayEmpire_Goodlist) and read about the commodity system.

Rural businesses – changeable values

In addition to changing the name, you able to adjust the following parameters, too:

FactoryLink to the factory that is produced by rural businesses
TypeNameIdDefines the first part of a rural business’ name
SiteStatusStatus of a rural business

You have to define a factory in the corresponding Factory field even for a rural business, because – as mentioned before – a rural business produces goods, too. If the field is empty, the rural business will not produce anything.

The type of name (TypeNameId) will define the first part of a rural business’ name. You have to pick an ID from those already existing – unfortunately, it is not possible to define your own. There are six different types for rural businesses and for each of those types there are four variants available. Here is a list:

ID_NAME_TYPA_01Manor *
ID_NAME_TYPA_02Estate *
ID_NAME_TYPA_03Preserve *
ID_NAME_TYPB_00Breeding *
ID_NAME_TYPB_01Fattening *
ID_NAME_TYPB_02Ranch *
ID_NAME_TYPB_03Cattle *
ID_NAME_TYPC_00Logging *
ID_NAME_TYPC_01Forest aisles *
ID_NAME_TYPC_02Clearing *
ID_NAME_TYPC_03Chopping *
ID_NAME_TYPD_00Quarry *
ID_NAME_TYPD_01Colliery *
ID_NAME_TYPE_01Hollow *
ID_NAME_TYPE_02Trough *
ID_NAME_TYPE_03Ditch *
ID_NAME_TYPF_00Drill hole *
ID_NAME_TYPF_01Countryside *
ID_NAME_TYPF_02Field *
*) these will be automatically translated into all supported languages by default.

The SiteStatus defines the status of a rural business at the beginning of a game. You can choose from the following options:

Active (default)a regular production
Inactiveappears like a regular production, but does not produce anything; must have a connection to a city; becomes active once the connected city (required!) grows to >20,000 inhabitants
Passive(not working) unlocked by storyline
Unusedproduction will appear at all

Cities – changeable values

In addition to the name, you will also be able to adjust the following parameters:

TownActiveStatus of a city at the beginning of a game (true = active, false = inactive)
Factory0Factory in the first slot at the beginning of a game
Factory1Factory in the second slot at the beginning of a game
Factory2Factory in the third slot at the beginning of a game
FoundedFounding year of the city
PopulationInhabitants at the beginning of a game

The „beginning of a game“ always defines the point of time in which the player is able to actively participate. Each scenario has a transient phase which ensures that all cities and rural businesses are able to settle in. This might lead to slight differences between the state of your input and the state in-game, e.g. for inhabitants (Population).


In-game your changes could look like this: